2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog Academic Programs Associate in Arts Program (University Transfer) Meta-Majors
A meta-major is a collection of academic programs that have common or related content (s. 1008.02(3), F.S.). All meta-majors require ENC1101C English Composition I as the gateway course in communications. However, the gateway course in mathematics varies by meta-major. Meta-major academic pathways have been established to advise students of the gateway courses in mathematics that are aligned with specific academic and career goals.
Review the meta-major program table to identify Pensacola State College programs that are associated with each meta-major and the appropriate mathematics gateway course(s).
Associate in Arts
Art (ART-AA)
English (ENGL-AA)
General Studies (GEN-AA)
Journalism (JOURN-AA)
Music (MUSIC-AA)
Philosophy (PHIL-AA)
Theatre (DRAMA-AA)
Associate in Science
Graphic Design Technology (GRAPH-AS)
Photographic Program (PHOTO-AS)
Mathematics Gateway Course(s)
MAC1105 College Algebra
MGF1106 Mathematics for Liberal Arts I
MGF1107 Mathematics for Liberal Arts II
STA2023 Elementary Statistics
Business (BUS-AA)
Human Performance and Recreation-Sports Management (HPRSM-AA)
Accounting Technology (ACCT-AS)
Business (BUS-AS)
Culinary Management (CHEF-AS)
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HOTEL-AS)
Early Childhood Teacher: Pre-Primary (CHD-AA)
Education (TEACH-AA)
Human Performance and Recreation-Health Education (HPRHE-AA)
Human Performance and Recreation-Physical Education (HPRPE-AA)
Early Childhood Education (CHILD-AS)
Career Mobility Option (RNCM-AS)
Dental Hygiene (DH-AS)
Emergency Medical Services (EMS-AS)
Health Information Technology (HIT-AS)
Health Services Management (HSM-AS)
Nursing (Associate Degree) R.N. (RN-AS)
Paramedic to RN (RNP-AS)
Pharmacy Management (PHM-AS)
Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA-AS)
Radiography (XRAY-AS)
Sonography (Diagnostic Medical Sonography) (SON-AS)
Architectural Design and Construction Technology (ARCH-AS)
Industrial Management Technology (IMT-AS)
Mechanical Design and Fabrication (MECH-AS)
Criminal Justice (LAW-AA)
Criminal Justice Technology (LAW-AS)
Cyber Forensics (CYBFO-AS)
Agricultural Science (AGSCI-AA)
Biology (BIO-AA)
Biochemistry (BCHEM-AA)
Chemistry (CHEM-AA)
Computer Information Systems (COMP-AA)
Computer Science (CMPSC-AA)
Environmental Science (EVS-AA)
Plant Science/Environmental Horticultural (HORT-AA)
Human Performance and recreation Exercise Science/Athletic Training (HPREX-AA)
Mathematics (MATH-AA)
Natural Resource Conservation/Pre-Forestry (TREE-AA)
Physics (PHYS-AA)
Pre-Clinical Laboratory Sciences (MEDTC-AA)
Pre-Engineering (ENGNR-AA)
Pre-Medical/Dental/Veterinary Studies (MED-AA)
Pre-Nursing (NURSE-AA)
Pre-Pharmacy (PHARM-AA)
Pre-Physical Therapy (PT-AA)
Computer Information (CIT-AS)
Computer Programming and Analysis (CPROG-AS)
Cybersecurity (ITESEC-AS)
Engineering Technology (ELEC-AS)
Recreation Technology (REC-AS)
Veterinary Technology (VET-AS)
History-Public Service (HIST-AA)
Pre-Law/Pre-Legal Administration (LEGAL-AA)
Psychology (PSYCH-AA)
Social Sciences (SOCSC-AA)
Social Work (SOCWK-AA)
Paralegal Studies (Legal Assisting) (LEGAL-AS)
Associate in Arts Program (University Transfer)