Computer Information Technology Associate in Science (CIT-AS)

The Computer Information Technology program prepares students by giving them a basic understanding of voice and data networks in their foundation courses. Typical job titles include computer repair technician, system administrator, network engineer, network security specialist and telecommunications specialist. By special agreement with the University of West Florida, students with an AS Degree can continue their studies in a Bachelor of Arts Degree program. If a student plans to do so, electives should be chosen carefully with the help of the department head. UWF will also require certain additional general education course work for transferees holding the AS Degree.

The Associate in Science in Computer Information Technology includes the following college credit certificates:

Cable Technician (Voice and Data Cabling)

Networking Communications (Local Area Network)

Wireless Communications 

Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with each certificate as the requirements are satisfied.

Contact the Information Technology Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

Interim Department Head:

Morris Buchanan, (850) 484-1128

Program Contact:

Robert Pratten (850) 484-2523

Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (15 cc)

CGS 1061CIntroduction to Computers in Technology

3 cc

CIS 1350CSecurity Awareness

3 cc

CTS 2149Fundamentals of Project Management

3 cc

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 2 (15 cc)

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

See Choices Social Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

CTS 1155Help Desk Technician

3 cc

CET 2934CIT Professional Project

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 3 (15 cc)

Emphasis Courses (choose courses from any emphasis area)

15 cc

Semester 4 (15 cc)

Emphasis Courses (choose courses from any emphasis area)

15 cc

Emphasis Courses (30 cc)

Choose 30 college credits from the following list of courses:


Programming Language Course

3 cc

CET 2854CWireless LANS

3 cc

CTS 2106CLinux+

3 cc

CET 1588Network +

3 cc

Programming Language Course:  Choose 3 credit hours from the following courses: COP 1000, COP 1510, COP 2332, COP 2360, COP 2511, COP 2800, COP 2949, CTS 2440, or CTS 2441.

Computer Technician

CET 1178CPC Hardware (A+)

3 cc

CET 1179CPC Operating Systems (A+)

3 cc

CET 2172CPersonal Computers Maintenance, Upgrade and Support

3 cc

CET 1634CTelecommunications Distribution Systems

3 cc

EET 2084CIntroduction to Electronics

3 cc

Systems Administrator: Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (M.C.S.A.)

CTS 1131CI.T. Essentials

3 cc

CTS 1300CAdministering Microsoft Windows Workstation

3 cc

CTS 1390CInstall & Configure Windows Server 2012

3 cc

CTS 2391CManage and Administer Windows Server 2012

3 cc

CTS 2392CWindows Server Pro: Advanced Services

3 cc

Network Administrator: Cisco Certified Network Associate (C.C.N.A.)

CET 1020CIntroduction to Networks

3 cc

CET 1112CDigital Fundamentals

3 cc

CET 1605CIntroduction to Cisco Internetworking

3 cc

CET 1610CRouting and Switching Essentials

3 cc

CET 1634CTelecommunications Distribution Systems

3 cc

CET 2025CScaling Networks

3 cc

CET 2026CConnecting Networks

3 cc

EET 2084CIntroduction to Electronics

3 cc

Security Administrator

CTS 2318Information Security Management

3 cc

CTS 2120CSecurity +

3 cc

CIS 2120CPrinciples of Information Assurance

3 cc

Telecommunications: NCTI/VoIP/Cabling

CET 1634CTelecommunications Distribution Systems

3 cc

CTS 2145CCloud Essential

3 cc

EET 2084CIntroduction to Electronics

3 cc

NCTI Master Cable Technician (Closed Admission)

CET 1630CNetwork Cable Installation

2 cc

CET 1632CFiber Optic Installation and Activation

2 cc

CET 2947Telecommunications Co-op

1 cc

CET 2949Telecommunications Co-op

3 cc

EET 1033CDC/AC Installer Technician

2 cc

EET 1324CCommunications Systems Technician

2 cc

EET 1325CCommunications Systems Advanced Technician

2 cc

EET 1330CTransmission Lines Service Technician

2 cc

EET 1371CTelecommunications Fiber Testing and Maintenance

2 cc

Total: 60
