Journalism Associate in Arts (JOURN-AA)

This program stresses the basics of news and feature writing in a real life setting. Students gain practical experience as they produce the student newspaper, The Corsair. Internships with area publications may be available to students who excel. Required courses provide the liberal arts background that most universities and editors recommend.

Each student should consult with an advisor at the college or university they plan to attend for the specific courses recommended by that institution. The interested student should contact the English and Communications Department for assistance in planning the program of study.

Department Head:

Tracy Peyton, (850) 484-1400

Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (15 cc)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

JOU 1100Reporting I

3 cc

SPC 1608Public Speaking

3 cc

Any Elective or Foreign Language I

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education Courses:

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc

Foreign Language I must be selected if the foreign language requirement has not been met.

Semester 2 (16 cc)

ENC 1102English Composition II

3 cc

JOU 1400College Publications

1 cc

AMH 2010American History to 1877

3 cc

General Education Elective or Foreign Language II

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education courses (not selected in semester 1):

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

Foreign Language II must be selected if the foreign language requirement has not been met.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 3 (16 cc)

AMH 2020American History from 1877

3 cc

MMC 2000Survey of Mass Communication

3 cc

POS 2041American National Government

3 cc

See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

Natural Science Companion Lab

1 cc

See Choices Humanities (Literature LIT, AML, or ENL prefix)

3 cc

The required companion lab may be selected this semester or with the Natural Science course in semester 4.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 4 (13 cc)

INR 2002Introduction to International Relations

3 cc

See Choices Any Natural Sciences General Education Course

3 cc

Any Electives

7 cc

If a biological science was selected in semester 3, then a physical science must be selected in semester 4. If a physical science was selected in semester 3, then a biological science must be selected in semester 4.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Total: 60
