Social Sciences Associate in Arts (SOCSC-AA)

This program is designed to provide the first two years of a baccalaureate degree in Social Sciences. Students pursuing an upper-level degree in the social sciences can also obtain an excellent interdisciplinary foundation through the SOCSC-AA program.

Students should consult with an advisor at the college or university they plan to attend for the specific courses recommended by that institution. We strongly encourage you to contact the Pensacola State College History/Languages/Social Sciences Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

Department Head:

Susan Morgan, (850) 484-2137

Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (15 cc)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education Courses:

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc


ANT 2000Introduction to Anthropology

3 cc

POS 2041American National Government

3 cc

Foreign Language I or Elective

3 cc

Foreign Language I must be selected if the foreign language requirement has not been met.

Semester 2 (15 cc)

ENC 1102English Composition II

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education courses (not selected in semester 1):

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc


AMH 2010American History to 1877

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics

3 cc

General Education Elective or Foreign Language II

3 cc

Foreign Language II must be selected if the foreign language requirement has not been met.

Semester 3 (15 cc)

AMH 2020American History from 1877

3 cc

See Choices Humanities (Literature LIT, AML, or ENL prefix)

3 cc

See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

Natural Science Companion Lab

1 cc


5 cc

The required companion lab may be taken this semester or with the Natural Sciences course in semester 4.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 4 (15 cc)

See Choices Any Natural Sciences General Education Course

3 cc

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc


6 cc

General Education Electives

3 cc

If a biological science was selected in semester 2, then a physical science must be selected in semester 4.  If a physical science was selected in semester 2, then a biological science must be selected in semester 4.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Recommended Electives:

ANT 2410Cultural Anthropology

3 cc

ECO 2023Microeconomics

3 cc

EEX 2010Introduction to Exceptional Children

3 cc

GEA 2000World Regional Geography

3 cc

HUM 2454African-American Humanities

3 cc

PSY 2012General Psychology

3 cc

SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology

3 cc

Recommended Electives for students planning to teach:

EDF 1005Introduction to the Teaching Profession

3 cc

EDF 2085Introduction to Diversity for Educators

3 cc

EME 2040Introduction to Technology for Educators

3 cc

Total: 60
