Culinary Management Associate in Science (CHEF-AS)

This program in Culinary Management prepares individuals for careers in the many widely varied areas of the culinary industry. The Culinary Management program provides the student with a unique combination of comprehensive theoretical knowledge and hands-on training. The program is carefully structured to meet the requirements of American Culinary Federation Education Foundation Accrediting Commission. Students will master the fundamentals of culinary production in an environment that builds teamwork while gaining practical individualized experience.

Students may receive dual credits toward Diploma and/or professional certificates with appropriate courses in the program.

Because of limited lab resources, enrollment for FSS 1220C and FSS 1063C is limited to Culinary students unless prior approval from the program coordinator is obtained. Preferences will be given to Culinary students who have completed or substantially completed general education courses followed by Culinary students who have completed all required developmental courses. Any remaining seats will be available to Culinary students who have not yet completed required developmental courses or who have received special permission from the program coordinator.

The Associate in Science in Culinary Management includes the following college credit certificate:

Culinary Arts

Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with the certificate as the requirements are satisfied.

We strongly encourage you to contact the Professional Service Careers Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

Department Head:


Program Contact:

David Langham (850) 484-1422

Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (14 cc)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

HFT 1000Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

3 cc

HFT 2212Food Service Sanitation and Safety

2 cc

FSS 1063CProfessional Baking

3 cc

FSS 1220CCulinary Techniques

3 cc

Semester 2 (12 cc)

FSS 1308CDining Room Management Banquet and Russian Service

3 cc

FSS 1222LCulinary Production

3 cc

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

Semester 3 (12 cc)

FSS 2284CCatering, Banquet, and Event Management

3 cc

FSS 2248CGarde Manger

3 cc

HFT 1860Bar and Beverage Management

3 cc

HFT 2211Hospitality Resource Management

3 cc

Semester 4 (14 cc)

FSS 2242LInternational/Regional Cuisine

3 cc

HFT 2451Cost Control and Purchasing

3 cc

HFT 2841CDining Room Management American Service

3 cc

HFT 2840CDining Room Management French Service

3 cc

FSS 2948Culinary Management Co-Op

2 cc

Semester 5 (12 cc)

FSS 2224LClassical Cuisine

3 cc

FSS 2247CAdvanced Baking

3 cc

HUN 1201Elements of Nutrition

3 cc

See Choices Social Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

Total: 64
