Rapid Prototyping Specialist CCC (RAPID-CT)

The Rapid Prototyping Specialist certificate reflects the demand for individuals who are proficient in three dimensional (3D) digital modeling and rapid prototyping. Specific attention will surround product design, 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies. The design software used in the college certificate program is SOLIDWORKS.

The student will utilize 3D technologies for solid modeling design and physical creation of prototype parts and obtain the skills necessary for entry-level employment in modern design and advanced manufacturing companies. While working on classes, co-op opportunities will provide valuable working experience to the student.

Each student is encouraged to contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in planning the program of study.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics

3 cc

ETD 2364C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I

3 cc

ETD 2368C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS II

3 cc

ETD 2372CAdvanced Rapid Prototyping

3 cc

Total: 12
