Nursing Registered Nurse Associate in Science (RN-AS)
The Nursing faculty believes that associate in science degree nursing graduates contribute necessary, unique and skilled competencies to the health care system. The Department of Nursing and Emergency Medical Services' mission is to provide quality educational opportunities for students seeking to enter the healthcare arena and to meet the healthcare needs of the community. Classes and clinical experiences are offered day, evenings and/or weekends. Graduates will be eligible to apply to the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The Associate Degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, ACEN, 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta GA 30326.
Special Admission Requirements
Students seeking admission to the program must complete application to the College and the program. Admission to this program is limited by student/faculty ratios and availability of clinical resources. All application requirements must be completed before a student will be considered for admission to the nursing program. Once all admission requirements are complete candidates are ranked according to a points system based on GPA and HESI test scores. A complete explanation of the points system may be found in the Associate Degree Nursing Student Information Packet which may be accessed on the Registered Nurse AS Degree page of the College website. Students are required to pass a criminal background check and a urine drug screen prior to clinical experiences. Applicants who have an arrest record (other than a minor traffic violation) should be aware that they may not be permitted to sit for the licensing examination NCLEX-RN after graduation. The Florida Board of Nursing determines eligibility for NCLEX-RN after receiving an individual's application to take NCLEX-RN. Refer to for questions.
Progression to the clinical component of the program is contingent upon submission of satisfactory physical examination/immunization forms and current (American Heart Association only) CPR certification at the Health Care provider level.
Admission Requirements:
- Minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average in all college courses taken in the past 8 years
- Completion of all required prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better and an overall grade point average of these courses of 2.75
- Minimum score of 75 on each of the HESI A² components (reading, grammar, vocabulary, math, anatomy and physiology) in one sitting
Requirements for Progression:
- Progression through the ADN program requires:
- Grade of C or higher in courses in the curriculum;
- Grade of C or higher in all corequisites and prerequisites;
- Current CPR certification at the Health Care Provider level (American Heart Association) only
- Minimum score of 90% on a dosage calculation examination semester 1 and 3 of nursing courses prior to clinical rotations.
- Satisfactory level of mental and physical health, including current immunizations, Hepatitis B vaccinations; yearly TB testing and ability to meet Performance Standards
- Passing a criminal background check and a urine drug screen prior to clinical experience.
Students who do not meet progression requirements must withdraw from the ADN program and apply for readmission.
We strongly encourage you to contact the Health Admission Specialist for assistance in the application process.
Director of Nursing:
Linda Whitenton, (850) 484-2253
Degree Requirements
Required Prerequisite Courses (17 cc)
Semester 1 (12 cc)
Semester 2 (15 cc)
Semester 3 (12 cc)
Semester 4 (12 cc)
Semester 5 (4 cc)
NUR 2811C | Transitional Practice/Preceptorship | 6 cc |
Total: 72
Requirements for Readmission:
Students who interrupt the specified progression through the program of study must apply for readmission to the program. Contact the Department of Nursing for specific instructions.