2017-2018 Catalog
2017-2018 Catalog Academic Programs Associate in Arts Program (University Transfer) Meta-Majors
A meta-major is a collection of academic programs that have common or related content (s. 1008.02(3), F.S.). All meta-majors require ENC1101C English Composition I as the gateway course in communications. However, the gateway course in mathematics varies by meta-major. Meta-major academic pathways have been established to advise students of the gateway courses in mathematics that are aligned with specific academic and career goals.
Review the meta-major program table to identify Pensacola State College programs that are associated with each meta-major and the appropriate mathematics gateway course(s).
Associate in Arts
Art Advising Track
English Advising Track
General Studies
Journalism Advising Track
Music Advising Track
Philosophy Advising Track
Theatre Advising Track
Associate in Science
Graphic Design Technology (GRAPH-AS)
Photographic Program (PHOTO-AS)
Mathematics Gateway Course(s)
MAC1105 College Algebra
MGF1106 Mathematics for Liberal Arts I
MGF1107 Mathematics for Liberal Arts II
STA2023 Elementary Statistics
Business Advising Track
Human Performance and Recreation-Sports Management Advising Track
Accounting Technology (ACCT-AS)
Business (BUS-AS)
Culinary Management (CHEF-AS)
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HOTEL-AS)
Early Childhood Teacher: Pre-Primary Advising Track
Education Advising Track
Human Performance and Recreation-Health Education Advising Track
Human Performance and Recreation-Physical Education Advising Track
Early Childhood Education (CHILD-AS)
Career Mobility Option (RNCM-AS)
Dental Hygiene (DH-AS)
Emergency Medical Services (EMS-AS)
Health Information Technology (HIT-AS)
Health Services Management (HSM-AS)
Nursing (Associate Degree) R.N. (RN-AS)
Paramedic to RN (RNP-AS)
Pharmacy Management (PHM-AS)
Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA-AS)
Radiography (XRAY-AS)
Sonography (Diagnostic Medical Sonography) (SON-AS)
Architectural Design and Construction Technology (ARCH-AS)
Industrial Management Technology (IMT-AS)
Mechanical Design and Fabrication (MECH-AS)
Criminal Justice Advising Track
Criminal Justice Technology (LAW-AS)
Cyber Forensics (CYBFO-AS)
Agricultural Science Advising Track
Biology Advising Track
Biochemistry Advising Track
Chemistry Advising Track
Computer Information Systems Advising Track
Computer Science Advising Track
Environmental Science Advising Track
Plant Science/Environmental Horticultural Advising Track
Human Performance and recreation Exercise Science/Athletic Training Advising Track
Mathematics Advising Track
Natural Resource Conservation/Pre-Forestry Advising Track
Physics Advising Track
Pre-Clinical Laboratory Sciences Advising Track
Pre-Engineering Advising Track
Pre-Medical/Dental/Veterinary Studies Advising Track
Pre-Nursing Advising Track
Pre-Pharmacy Advising Track
Pre-Physical Therapy Advising Track
Computer Information (CIT-AS)
Computer Programming and Analysis (CPROG-AS)
Cybersecurity (ITESEC-AS)
Engineering Technology (ELEC-AS)
Recreation Technology (REC-AS)
Veterinary Technology (VET-AS)
History-Public Service Advising Track
Pre-Law/Pre-Legal Administration Advising Track
Psychology Advising Track
Social Sciences Advising Track
Social Work Advising Track
Paralegal Studies (Legal Assisting) (LEGAL-AS)
Associate in Arts Program (University Transfer)