CNC Composite Fabricator/Programmer College Credit Certificate (CNCW-CT)

Offers training in Composite Fabrication, CNC Tool path Operations, Programming and Mastercam Design. The training also offers a solid foundation CNC Router setup and operations. Master Cam Router and ART is the primary programs used generate 2D & 3D projects on the Camtech CNC router. The goal of this certificate is to offer entry level skills in the CNC Composite fabrication industry. Students may choose to Co-op to gain working experiences while in school. The four courses that comprise this Certificate are all applicable to the Engineering Technology A.S., Specialization: Mechanical Design & Fabrication.

The student is strongly encouraged to contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in the decision to take coursework and in the planning of the program of study.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics

3 cc

ETI 2415Woodworking Processes (MasterCam Router)

4 cc

ETI 2412Fabrication Processes (MasterCam ART)

4 cc

ETI 1931Special Topics in Mechanical Design

1 cc

Total: 12
