Early Childhood Teacher (Preschool) Technical Certificate (PREK-CT)

The Pre-K College Technical Certificate is a 12 college-credit program designed to provide students with the skills needed to design developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children and enable them to begin careers as early childhood education caregivers with a preschool specialization. Additionally, the courses can be transferred into appropriate technical certificates programs within Early Childhood or can be used in either the AS/AA Early Childhood degree programs.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

DEP 2001Child Development

3 cc

CHD 1104Introduction to Early Childhood

3 cc

CHD 2380Teaching Young Children^

3 cc

CHD 1332Creative Experiences for Children^

3 cc

CHD 1104:  This course includes 20 hours of service learning.  See course description for more information.

DEP 2001:  This course includes 10 clock hours of observations.  See course description for more information.

Total Credit Hours: 12
