Baccalaureate and Associate in Arts General Education Requirements

The Associate in Arts (AA) degree is a single degree issued by the College. The College has designed several areas of concentration to assist the student in transferring to a baccalaureate program. Those concentrations are listed in the Programs of Study section of this Catalog. The general education component of each concentration will meet the goals established by the state as well as the standards for accreditation.

Reading and Writing Competence Requirement

Enrollment in any course designated as a writing emphasis course will require placement at the college level, successful completion of the appropriate developmental education coursework, or previous completion of a college-level composition course.

Mathematics Competence Requirement

Enrollment in any mathematics course will require placement at the college level, successful completion of the appropriate developmental education coursework, or previous completion of a college-level algebra course.

A student enrolling in an Associate of Science program that allows a general education natural science course instead of a required general education mathematics course must still demonstrate eligibility for a college-level algebra course. Eligibility is demonstrated by placement at the college level or successful completion of MAT0028 Development Mathematics II.

Required Enrollment in College Success Course

Any student who is required to take two or more developmental education courses must also enroll in and complete SLS1101 College Success.

Laboratory Science

A student seeking the Associate in Arts degree must complete at least one natural science lecture course which has an accompanying laboratory. Lecture/laboratory sequences are available in Categories VI and VII. Laboratory courses are indicated by an “L” immediately following the course number.

Minimum Grades

An AA student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher and must earn a minimum grade of "C" in each course meeting a general education writing emphasis requirement and in each mathematics course meeting the general education requirement. An overall GPA includes the Pensacola State College cumulative GPA plus any transfer courses earned prior to enrollment at Pensacola State College.

Non-Traditional Credits

An AA student may not earn more than 15 credits hours of the general education course work through non-traditional credits. Non-traditional credits include the following: credits earned through CLEP, departmental exemption examination, PLA, and all other credits described under “Non-Traditional Credits” in the Registration and Credits section.

Foreign Language Requirement

A student who is enrolling in college for the first time (not transfer students) in Fall 2014, or thereafter, and anticipates earning a baccalaureate degree or an Associate in Arts degree must meet the foreign language requirement. The foreign language requirement may be met with two semesters of the same foreign language in high school, two semesters of the same foreign language in college, the second semester of a freshman-level foreign language course, or appropriate scores on an external test for a foreign language.

An alternate method for students to demonstrate equivalent foreign language competence is by credit awarded on the basis of scores on the foreign language subject matter examinations in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) as indicated in FAC Rule 6A-10.024(5)(b), which shall count toward the eight to ten semester hours. The examination, minimum scores for awarding credit, and maximum credit to be awarded are as follows:































Students who received an Associate in Arts degree prior to September 1, 1989, or who enrolled in a program of studies leading to an Associate in Arts degree from a Florida state college prior to August 1, 1989, and have maintained continuous enrollment shall be exempt from this admissions requirement. Any lower division student admitted without meeting the foreign language requirement must earn such credits prior to admission to the upper division of a state university. Any AA degree graduate from a public community college admitted without meeting the foreign language requirement must earn such credits prior to graduation from a state university.

Excess Hours Advisory Statement

Section 1009.086, Florida Statutes, establishes an “excess hour” surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida State colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees.

“Excess hours” are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 144 credit hours (120 x 120%).

All students whose educational plan may include earning a bachelor’s degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a stare university should identify a major or “transfer program” early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats as well as enrollment in courses non-essential to the intended major may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.
