Baccalaureate Degree Programs

The Bachelor of Applied Science in Administration and Supervision and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees are flexible baccalaureate programs designed to accommodate the unique demands for entry and advancement within specific workforce sectors. These programs provide degree completion opportunities for students from a variety of educational backgrounds, but primarily those with associate of science degrees or the equivalent. The programs conform to all articulation conventions, including common course prerequisites, common course numbering, and faculty credentialing in accordance with the standards established by our accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission Colleges (SACSCOC).

To ensure that programs are comprehensive and rigorous, program learning outcomes are established and regularly reviewed by teams involving faculty members, program advisory committees, employers, and students. Program learning outcomes are sets of statements expressing the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that degree earners are expected to actively and measurably demonstrate as a result of engaging in and completing a specific program of study. Each semester, faculty members measure students’ program performance directly through a variety of course-embedded assessments. Graduates’ program performance is also measured indirectly through assessment tools, such as licensure exams, employer surveys, and job satisfaction surveys. Learning outcomes for each baccalaureate program are delineated within the following categories:

Administration and Supervision Learning Outcomes Categories

  • Legal Environment, Ethics, and Values
  • Organizational and Financial Management
  • Human Relations and Communication
  • Critical Application of Knowledge, Concepts and Skills

BSN Learning Outcomes Categories

  • Legal Environment, Ethics, and Values
  • Management and Leadership
  • Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills
  • Interpersonal Relations and Community Systems

Learning outcomes specific to each Administration and Supervision emphasis area and to the BSN are displayed in course syllabi, which are readily available through the College’s web site. Students may also be provided with hard copies of course syllabi by their course instructors. Program-level learning outcomes along with assessment rubrics and curriculum maps are displayed on program web pages.
