Non-Academic Misconduct

Educational Pre-Hearing Process

The Director of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct, or designee, shall attempt to informally resolve alleged violations of the Pensacola State College Student Code of Conduct with the student or recognized student organization. The purpose of the Educational Pre-Hearing process is to review the following with the student or recognized student organization: the reported behavior which allegedly violates the student Student Code of Conduct, the conduct process including the formal hearing, possible sanctions, and to answer questions. During the Educational Pre-Hearing meeting, the student or recognized student organization may be given the opportunity to accept responsibility for the alleged violation(s). If the student or recognized student organization accepts responsibility, sanction(s) may be implemented.  The resolution associated with the Educational Pre-Hearing process is final and cannot be appealed. During the Educational Pre-Hearing process, the College will not bring charges against a student or registered student organization. The Director of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct, or designee, will initiate an Educational Pre-Hearing meeting by providing a written notice to the student or student organization. The written notice will include the reported behavior which allegedly violates the Student Code of Conduct, the citation to the specific provision of the Student Code of Conduct at issue and the date/time/location of the pre-hearing meeting.  This written notice will not include any charge(s). The Office of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct will maintain a record of the Educational Pre-Hearing process, the outcome and any sanctions. The records will be maintained and purged in accordance with state-approved records retention schedules.

When the Educational Pre-Hearing process cannot resolve the alleged violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct, the matter will be referred to the Formal Hearing process. If a student or recognized student organization fails to participate in the Educational Pre-Hearing Meeting, the College may place a registration hold on a student(s) record until the matter is resolved. The College also reserves the right to refer the matter directly to the Formal Hearing process for adjudication/resolution.
