Posting, Distributing, Exhibiting Printed or Filmed Material

Students may distribute free non-commercial literature on campus. Signs and tables may be used in conjunction with distributing the literature, but tables should be supervised at all times. In the event of congestion or unreasonable interference with the flow of students passing through the area, the appropriate administrator, or his or her designee, may reasonably regulate such activity.

Non-commercial notices may be posted by students and registered student groups on all bulletin boards. All postings must be cleared through the appropriate College official to avoid congestion and to obtain optimum use of facilities available.

Students are expected to use mature judgment and a sense of discretion in the publication, posting, and distribution of any material on campus and to realize that they and their group or organization must accept responsibility for the consequences of their behavior.

The President, or his or her authorized designee, may prohibit the distribution on campus of any material or publication or the showing on campus of any films containing obscene or defamatory matter, or containing matter which the President, or his or her authorized designee, reasonably believes would incite others to take action which would substantially disrupt or materially interfere with school activities. Should the President prohibit the distribution of any film on campus, the student or recognized student group thereby aggrieved shall, upon written application to the President, or his or her authorized designee, obtain a hearing within two (2) days following the filing of the appeal before the Student/Faculty Hearing Panel. The appeal procedure shall be the same as provided in the case where the President denies a student organization’s request to invite an outside speaker to appear on campus.

Responsibility for editorial or other content of publications distributed on campus shall lie with the sponsoring agency, group, or organization. All publications distributed on campus should appropriately indicate that the opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of the College or of the student body. The use of the College name, seal, or other official insignia in printed matter shall not imply that the College approves, supports, or endorses the contents.

1. On the Pensacola or Milton campuses, all postings must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership and at the Warrington Campus, Century Center, or South Santa Rosa Center by the Office of Student Services.

2. Posting includes posters, small banners, sheet banners hung between trees, stake signs, changeable signs, table tents, flyers, rolling signs, easel signs, and commercial advertisements. 

3. Posting may be done two (2) weeks prior to any club/organization or College sponsored event including athletics, intramurals, homecoming, mid-term, organization week, and various elections.

4. Posting outlined in (2) above may be done on all campus bulletin boards, in the gymnasium, or in an appropriate area approved by the College. 

5. No posting will be allowed on doors or glass or on building walls other than the gymnasium interior walls. 

6. Any posting should be removed by the sponsoring agency, group, or organization, within one College business day after the event has taken place. Tables and easels be set up in designated areas. In these areas, signs may be used in conjunction with the tables. Tables should be supervised at all times. In the event of congestion or unreasonable interference with the flow of students passing through the area, the appropriate dean, or his or her designee, may reasonably regulate such activity.
