College Priorities
Pensacola State College values continuously creating and improving opportunities for success in an atmosphere of concern, respect, integrity, and responsibility for students, employees, and members of the community and places high importance on the following priorities:
1. Seek and implement business, industry, government, and educational partnerships to better serve students and the community.
2. Invest in people:
a) Utilize evaluation processes; for professional development, campus climate, job satisfaction, and student experience.
b) Provide professional development and training opportunities;
c) Conduct employee reward and recognition programs; and
d) Formally celebrate employee achievement and productivity.
3. Enhance the quality of instructional programs and services:
a) Measure student learning;
b) Measure student retention;
c) Measure satisfaction in all aspects of the student experience; and
d) Provide access to instructional programs and services through
· Implement new technologies; and
· Maintain a physical presence in strategic locations throughout the College’s service area.
4. Manage resources effectively through competent and innovative business practices.
5. Acquire financial resources to maintain and upgrade existing facilities and construct new facilities to better serve students and the community.
6. Seek increased diversity that promotes a campus climate where the principle of affirmative action, equal opportunity, and multiculturalism are valued.
7. Continuously improve student services, campus safety, College grounds and facilities, use of technology, institutional effectiveness processes, internal communication, and enrollment
management processes.
8. Market the College and the programs of the College through current and emerging media conduits.
9. Maintain institutional regional acceleration and nation program accreditations to ensure industry standards and institutional and program quality.
10. Seek local, state and national funding through grants, organizations, gifts, and donations to support the mission of the college.
11. Grow awareness of College opportunities for student and community involvement in campus life and events such as visual arts, performing arts, athletics, Lyceum Series, College hosted
special events and activities.