Grade Appeal Process

Academic Appeals

1.    Grade Grievance Procedure: A student who disputes a final grade assigned by a faculty member has ten (10) working days from the time of grade assignment to initiate a grievance. After the 10-day period, the student loses the right to file a grievance. See the Student Grade Grievance Procedure located in the Student Handbook.  No other administrative remedy is available.

2.    Graduation Policy Exception: A student who wishes to request an exception to an existing graduation policy may appeal. 

3.    Reinstatement in Class: A student who has been withdrawn for excessive absences may request consideration for reinstatement by discussion with the faculty member. If a student was dropped due to College error, they may request approval from the respective department head.

4.    Late Withdrawal: A student who wishes to withdraw from a class after the established withdrawal deadline may petition the Student Academic Appeals Committee. A request for late withdrawal must be submitted via Workday and approved by a Student Services Advisor or other College employee within one year from the date of the failing grade. The request is then reviewed by the Student Academic Appeals Committee, which meets the week of midterm during each fall and spring term. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. After the committee has met, a student whose appeal was reviewed will be notified of the results.

5.    Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal: A student who has been placed on academic suspension or who has been dismissed for academic reasons may petition for continued enrollment.

6.    A student in an online course who has completed the College’s grievance process and the applicable state grievance process may appeal non-instructional complaints to the Florida State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement Postsecondary Reciprocal Distance Education Coordinating Council (FL-SARA PRDEC Council). Additional information on the complaint process may be found by visiting the FL-SARA Complaint Process page:

