Academic Misconduct Process and Procedures

All forms of academic misconduct are prohibited at Pensacola State College.

1.    Faculty members retain the right to act against any student who is suspected of academic misconduct. The faculty member, using his or her academic judgment, may take the following types of action, including but not limited to

a.    the awarding of a failing grade on the assignment or test/quiz in question; or

b.    removal of a student from the course with the assignment of a grade of F.

2.    All incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct. The faculty member reserves the right to ask for the Office of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct to investigate the alleged academic misconduct prior to awarding of a grade or other action. In these instances, information gathered in an investigation will be provided to the faculty member, but the Office of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct will not take any disciplinary action. 

3.    The Office of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct may bring charges under the Student Code of Conduct against any student who exhibits a pattern of academic misconduct during his or her enrollment at the College. These charges and any subsequent adjudication and sanctions would be in addition to any action a faculty member may determine is appropriate. In these instances, the disciplinary process and procedures for Non-Academic Misconduct would apply (See Non-Academic Misconduct).

4.    The evaluation of academic work is the responsibility of the faculty member. The awarding of grades, whether for individual assignments, tests/quizzes, or the overall course grade, is at the sole discretion of the faculty member and is an academic decision. A student may appeal a final course grade following the process for a grade grievance. 
