Dependent / Independent Status

A dependent student is any person under the age of twenty-four who is eligible to be claimed by his or her parent or legal guardian as a dependent under the federal income tax code and who receives at least 51% of his or her cost of living expenses from his or her parent or legal guardian. A student classified as a dependent student will be required to have his or her parents or legal guardians complete the Residence Statement. A copy of the student’s or parent’s most recent tax return or other documentation may be required to establish dependent or independent status.

A student under the age of twenty-four may be classified as an independent student if certain criteria as indicated below are met and documentation for the exception is attached to the Residence Statement:

  1. The student is married.
  2. The student has a child who receives more than half of his or her support from the student.
  3. The student has other dependents who live with and receive more than half of their support from the student.
  4. The student is currently serving on active duty in the United States armed forces for purposes other than training or is a veteran of the United States armed forces.
  5. Both of the student’s parents are deceased or the student is/was a ward/dependent of the court system until the age of eighteen.