Student Motor Vehicle Regulations

  1. All students and employees operating motor vehicles on any Pensacola State College campus must register their vehicles at the time of class registration or upon employment. Vehicles may be registered in the Department of Public Safety on any Pensacola State College campus.
  2. Registered vehicles will be issued a Pensacola State College parking decal. To obtain a decal, the student must present a current student identification card (or receipt for fees paid) and a current vehicle registration. There is no charge for a parking decal. Vehicle registration procedures apply to part-time as well as full-time students and employees.
  3. The decal shall be permanently affixed to the rear window (right side) or rear bumper (right side) so that the permit is clearly visible from behind. Motorcycles and similar vehicles shall display the permit on the rear of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible from behind.
  4. If a decal is lost, becomes illegible, or is invalid due to expiration, it is the student’s or employee’s responsibility to immediately register the vehicle.
  5. Decals are non-transferable. 
  6. The person who registered a vehicle and was issued a decal for that vehicle is, at all times, responsible for that vehicle, regardless of who is driving the vehicle. If the vehicle is sold, the decal should be removed.
  7. Parking decals are subject to revocation by the administration in the event of repeated violations of campus parking and traffic regulations.
  8. Handicapped parking will be by decal issued by the state of Florida only. Contact the Pensacola State College Department of Public Safety for additional information.