Excess Credit Hours

Florida Statute establishes an excess hour surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida State colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees.

Excess hours are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 144 credit hours (120 x 120%).

All students whose educational plan may include earning a bachelor’s degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or transfer program early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats as well as enrollment in courses non-essential to the intended major may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.
