
The following sanctions may be imposed upon any Student or Recognized Student Organization found to have violated the Code of Conduct or other College Policies. More than one (1) of the sanctions below may be imposed for any single violation. Any sanction not completed by the deadline may result in additional sanctions. Sanctions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Class Removal or Reassignment: Removes a student from a class or requires a student to move into a different class or section. Students may also be instructed not to return to class until they have met with the Director of Student Conduct.
  2. Community Service: Requires a student or Recognized Student Organization to complete hours of service to Pensacola State College or the Pensacola Community.
  3. Counseling: Requires a student to meet with counseling services until it is deemed that student understands College policies and is able to act in a way that does not harm self, others, or the community.
  4. Educational Sanctions: Includes but is not limited to the requirement of the completion of an educational assignment or assessment such as a research paper, program presentation, or attendance at a College event.
  5. Expulsion: A permanent separation of the student from Pensacola State College.
  6. Fines/Restitution: An amount of money applied to the student account for the violation of a policy or compensation for loss, damage, or injury to the college or another individual. 
  7. Leadership Restriction: Students will not be able to serve in leadership positions for academic and co-curricular organizations and may not participate in College sponsored travel.
  8. Loss of Privileges: A denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time such as restriction from certain buildings, inability to hold events, restrictions on student travel etc.
  9.  Loss of Recognized Student Organization Status: A loss of all privileges including Pensacola State College recognition as a student organization for a specified period. 
  10. Probation: Probation for a designated period that includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the Student or Recognized Student Organization is found to violate any College policies during the probationary period. 
  11. Suspension: A separation of the student from Pensacola State College for a definite period of time, after which the student may be eligible to return.
  12. Withholding Degree: A withholding of the awarding of a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in the Code of Conduct.
  13. Written Warning: A formal or informal notice in writing to the student or Recognized Student Organization indicating a violation of College policies. 
