See Choices Any General Education Elective (Any non-natural sciences general education elective)

AMH 2010

American History to 1877

AMH 2020

American History from 1877

AMH 2091

African-American History and Culture

AML 2010

American Literature to 1870

AML 2020

American Literature from 1870

AML 2600

Introduction to African-American Literature

ANT 2000

Introduction to Anthropology

ANT 2410

Cultural Anthropology

ARH 1002

Art for Non-Majors

ARH 1050

Art History I

ARH 1051

Art History II

ARH 2000

Humanities Art (For Non-Art Majors)

ASL 1150

American Sign Language II

CCJ 1020

Introduction to Criminal Justice

CGS 1570

Computer Concepts and Applications

CLT 1500

Classical Mythology

COP 1510 Programming Concepts

DAN 2100

Dance Appreciation

DEP 2004

Human Growth and Development

ECO 2013


ENL 2012

English Literature to 1800

ENL 2022

English Literature from 1800

EUH 1000

European History I

EUH 1001

European History II

EUH 2010

A History of Greece and Rome

FRE 1121

Beginning French II

GEA 2000

World Regional Geography

GER 1121

Beginning German II

HLP 1081

Concepts of Life Fitness

HUM 2020

Introduction to Humanities

HUM 2454

African-American Humanities

INR 2002

Introduction to International Relations

ITA 1121 Beginning Italian II

LAT 1121

Beginning Latin II

LIS 2005

Information and Internet Research

LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature

LIT 2090

Contemporary Literature

LIT 2110

World Literature to 1650

LIT 2120

World Literature from 1650

MAC 1105

College Algebra

MAC 1114

Plane Trigonometry

MAC 1140

Precalculus Algebra

MAC 1147

Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry

MAC 2233

Calculus with Business Applications I

MAC 2311

Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

MAC 2312

Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

MAC 2313

Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

MAP 2302

Differential Equations


Mathematical Thinking


Mathematics in Context

MMC 2000

Survey of Mass Communication


Music Appreciation

MUH 2110

Introduction to Music History

MUS 1360

Music and Computer

PHI 2010

Introduction to Philosophy

PHI 2100


PHI 2600


PHI 2701

Introduction to the Philosophy of World Religions

POS 2041

American National Government

PSY 2012

General Psychology

SPC 1017

Fundamental Communication Concepts

SPC 1608

Public Speaking

SPC 2300

Interpersonal Communication

SPN 1121

Beginning Spanish II

STA 2023

Elementary Statistics

SYG 2000

Introduction to Sociology

THE 2000

Theatre Appreciation




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